Are you looking to make connections, keep your body and mind active and engaged, and remain independent in your own home?
We offer community, resources, and support to help you navigate your health and wellbeing as you grow older. Our programs and services help you remain active, healthy, and independent. Our centers are located conveniently throughout Los Angeles, and offer a wide variety of services such as fitness and recreational activities, community dining, home-delivered meals, transportation, support from a social worker, mental health counseling, help connecting to and navigating community resources, and special activities for survivors of the Holocaust.
Social Services and Care Management
Our Case Managers work collaboratively with you to assess your needs for health and human services by evaluating your options and assisting you in making plans to access, implement, and monitor service delivery. Each of our programs can assist with information and referrals, eligibility, applications for benefits and other financial supports, in-home supports, linkage to transportation, and many other health and social services.
Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP)
MSSP meets the health and safety needs of fragile older adults and prevents the need for higher levels of institutionalized care. Through MSSP, adults 65 and over who qualify for Medi-Cal and are eligible for skilled nursing placement can receive the following services:
- Registered Nurse assessment and Social Worker Case Management;
- Advocacy, in-home monitoring of health status, emergency response system rental, monitoring of medication adherence;
- Transportation for health-related services, fall prevention interventions, supplemental personal care, supplemental chore assistance, temporary caregiver relief; and
- Linkage to community resources.
This service is targeted toward those who are frail, have chronic illness and/or disabilities, and are in need of specialized medical and social support services. The program aims to allow older adults to continue living safely in their homes and prevent placement in nursing homes. MSSP serves seniors that are heavily reliant on overwhelmed family caregivers or living alone with no family or friends to assist.
For more information about MSSP, please call (323) 937-5930 mssp_intake@jfsla.org.
Assisted Living Waiver Program (ALWP)
ALWP is targeted toward adults 21 and over who are residing in an assisted living setting but need supports to avoid the alternative of long-term placement in a nursing facility. Through the provision of nursing assessments and case management, these additional supports can also facilitate the transition of frail adults from skilled nursing facilities back into community-based settings.
For more information about ALWP, please call (818) 769-0560, or email alwp_intake@jfsla.org.